Module 96-PA-RCM / 96-PA-RCM-EL
0 A
20 A
40 A
60 A
80 A
100 A
400 mA
300 mA
200 mA
100 mA
0 mA
Permitted RCM curr
Nominal current
6.9.2 Example graph “Calculation of the static residual current limit value”
The example graph shows a static residual current limit value that applies for every nominal current value
(of the system):
·Nominal current reference value (not configurable).
·Residual current limit value: 300 mA.
Example graph
with the mode
“Calculation of
the static resid-
ual current
limit value"
The graph shows the user of the function:
·That the static limit value calculation is active.
·The permitted residual current (RCM current) of the system.
Residual current limit value
400 mA
300 mA
200 mA
100 mA
0 mA
Permitted RCM curr
6.9.3 Example graph “Calculation of the incremental residual current limit value”
The example graph shows the incremental increase of the residual current limit values of the power refer-
ence value (of the system) with the following increments (power levels):
·Reference value: Power in kW.
·Residual current limit value per power level: 50 mA.
Example graph
with the mode
"Calculation of the
residual current
limit value"
The graph shows the user of the function:
·The incremental limit value calculation is active.
·The permitted residual current (RCM current) of the system per increment (power level).
Residual current limit values (for up to 10 power levels)
0 kW
5 kW
10 kW
15 kW
20 kW
25 kW
Power levels of the reference value
max. 50 mA
max. 100 mA
max. 150 mA
max. 200 mA
max. 250 mA
max. 300 mA