Page 8
AUX Buttons
AUX buttons control auxiliary equipment such as lights, cleaners, waterfalls, fountains, sprinklers, and other backyard
features. Each AUX button can be custom labeled using the label pack provided, and matching labels can be set up
to appear in the display, using the MENU button. If the buttons are not labeled, you should label them now. Consult
with your installer to see what each auxiliary controls, and follow the instructions in the MENU Button section of this
manual to label the functions.
To use the AUX Buttons
Press the button once to turn on the function. Press it again to turn it off. When the function is on, the LED above it
will illuminate.
NOTE Some software labels will affect the operation of the AUX Button. See Section 6.2 for details on "Special Auxiliary Labels".
Spa Button
The SPA button switches water circulation from pool to spa (pool and spa combo models only). Turning on the spa
also activates the filter pump (after a delay for valve rotation) and deactivates the pool cleaner if it is on. The SPA
button must be on to display the spa tem per a ture and/or to heat the spa. Activation takes place after a thirty second
delay (while valves are turning).
NOTE See Section 6.1 for a glossary of safety delays.
To use the Spa Button
Press the SPA button once to switch circulation from pool to spa and to turn on the filter pump. Press it again to switch
circulation back to pool, and to turn off the filter pump (unless the filter pump was already on). When the spa is on,
the LED next to it will illuminate and the pool cleaner and spa spill-over will all be inactive.