User Manual (Ver. 2.0) - Main Functions
GO-5000M-PMCL | GO-5000M-PMCL-EP | GO-5000M-PMCL-UV
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Line Mode
Indicates the status of the item selected in Line Selector. (INPUT or OUTPUT)
Line Inverter
Inverts the signal polarity for the item selected in Line Selector. (False=Positive, True=Negative)
Line Status
Indicates the status of the selected signal (input or output) (True=High, False=Low)
Line Format
Indicates the interface information of the input and output lines (Not connected, TTL, LVDS)
On this camera, Opto-coupled interface is not available.
GPIO is a general interface for input and output which controls the I/O for trigger signals and other
valid signals and pulse generators. By using this interface, you can control an external light source,
make a delay function for an external trigger signal, or make a precise exposure setting together with a
PWC trigger.