User Manual (Ver. 1.0) - Main Functions
GO-5000M-PMCL-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-EP-1 | GO-5000M-PMCL-UV-1
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HDR (High Dynamic Range)
HDR sensing mode can be set when HDR Mode is set to ON while Exposure Mode is Timed. The
parameters to configure dynamic range are HDR_SLOPE Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4.
The user can select any one of those parameters as required for their application. In this mode, the
timed exposure is used as the reference and the value selected in HDR_SLOPE will compensate to
get an appropriate dynamic range by changing the exposure time.
If the exposure mode is OFF and the HDR mode is set to ON, the exposure mode is
automatically changed to Timed.
If horizontal binning and/or vertical binning are set to ON, the HDR mode cannot be set. In
this case, the HDR mode must be set first before H-Binning and/or V-Binning are set.
In this mode, exposure overlapped behavior is not available and the frame rate is slower
than normal operation.
The exposure time value is fixed at the value when HDR Mode is activated. When the
exposure time is changed, HDR Mode should be off. Once the exposure time is changed,
HDR Mode can be set to ON again.
In this mode, Exposure Auto function is disabled.
Knee Slope
Dynamic Range [%]