M-P2L1-1 EN
Page 30
Release Date: November 15, 2019
Rev 01 Save configuration or Event log to USB
Under this function, the operator can upload/copy the configuration of the panel and event log to the USB
by selecting the listed options:
Load descriptions
Load registration info
Load zone info from USB
Load ProMD2 from USB
Save descriptions
Save registration info
Save zone info to USB
Save ProMD2 to USB Field device type status
This menu displays the current type status information of the selected device(s) from the designated loop. Product serial numbers
From this menu, operators will be able to access the product serial numbers (PSN) and the serial number of
the system software. Loop state signal report
Loop state signal can be displayed in two formats: Table or plot. In both formats, the data related to the state
of every device on the selected loop is listed. Field device raw data report
Under this menu, users will have all the 10 bytes data from the field devices of the panel. This menu can be
used for diagnostic purpose. There are two formats available to view the data for users to choose from, one
is decimal format and the other is hexadecimal format. Field device state signal value
From this sub-menu, operators can review the “BkValue (mA)” which represents the background current
(refers to the loop current under “low voltage” period, when no device provides the answer current) and
“CurValue (mA)” which stands for the answer current from the designated device(s). The answer current is
how the device provide the (status normal, trouble, alarm). View advanced programming
After entering the advanced programming menu, user can view the actions/logic that are currently
programmed in the panel. Each action can be viewed by pressing F2 or F3 to index the action. See section
0 for a description of the advanced programming syntax.