Check control valve for sealing efficiency
Replace damaged parts if necessary
Check lifting motor
every 200 full load hours
/ every 5 years
Replace chain
at least every 5 years
(in corrosive environment)
Check chain sprocket
Whenever the
chain is replaced
Check chain guide
Whenever the
and hook mount
chain is replaced
Lubricate lifting motor
When required,
at least every 5 years
Check gearbox and perform
Every 5 years
Spare parts list
lubricant change
Check and lubricate the
Every 5 years
Spare parts list
rotor/pinion shaft connection
Check the chain sprocket
Every 5 years
Spare parts list
bearings and lubricate if necessary
Doc.-No.: VA049318-10-OM-EN-0319-64-2
of 64