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6.1 Generating a configuration file
To generate a new configuration file, the following steps are necessary:
Call of the CANBcfg.exe program with the parameter –g (CANBcfg -g). This
generates the file template.cfg.
The required configuration can now be created by editing the Template file
with a Text editor (see Section 5).
The configuration should be saved under a different name to prevent it being
overwritten when generating a new Template file.
6.2 Downloading a configuration
To save the configuration you have to connect the serial interface of the CAN-
bridge and the serial interface of the PC with a null modem cable.
To download, the CANBcfg.exe program is called with the parameter –a <File-
name> <Interface> (e.g. CANBcfg –a myconfig.cfg –c1). After program start,
you are asked again whether you really want to carry out the download. The
download is started via the specified serial interface by pressing the ‘y’ key. How-
ever, you can also automate this process by adding the parameter -y when exe-
cuting the program (e.g. CANBcfg –a myconfig.cfg –c1 -y). In this case the con-
figuration is loaded into the CANbridge without asking again.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4