Functional description
5.3.2 Bridge with different Frames and Filters
With the following configuration, CAN1 has standard frame format, the baudrate
is 800 kbit/s and the gateway Table is used. CAN2 works with extended frame
format, the baudrate is defined by the Bit Timing Registers BTR0 and BTR1, the
gateway table is also used. If a CAN bus goes into Bus Off state, the CANbridge is
restarted after 10 seconds.
TemplateVersion = 01.01.00 ;!Don’t change this!
RepeaterFunctionality = no
AutoBaudAttemptTimeout = no
CANBusOffRecovery = 10
ConfigAlias = “CAN-Bridge std/ext/Filter”
BaudRate = 800
FrameFormat = std
UseGatewayTable = yes
BaudRate = 0x01/0x0c
FrameFormat = ext
UseGatewayTable = yes
0x000 = 0x000
;normal id retransmission with the
0x001 = 0x001
;same identifier on both sides
0x100 = 0x1234567
;modify the id and
0x101 = 0x1005201
;translate to Extended Frame
0x004 = 0x004
;normal id retransmission with the
0x006 = 0x006
;same identifier on both sides
0x1234567 = 0x210
;modify the id and
0x2345678 = 0x211
;translate to Standard Frame
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4