Functional description
5.2.1 General settings [General]
There are three parameters in the ASCII-file under the key word [General]: Version number (TemplateVersion)
The version number of the ASCII-file structure. It is used for a compatibility check
and for this reason must not be changed. RepeaterFunctionality
This parameter is used to activate the repeater functionality. In this mode all mes-
sages are transferred unchanged to the other segment irrespective of frame for-
mat and the gateway tables.
Note: If the repeater functionality, the entries under FrameFormat and UseGate-
wayTable and the gateway tables are ignored. AutoBaudAttemptTimeout
A timeout time can be set for the automatic baud rate detection
The timeout
time starts with detection of a baudrate on one of the two segments. When this
time expires the detected baudrate is also set on the second segment provided if
no baudrate has already been detected there and a transmit attempt is then
made. If an error occurs during transmission, the CANbridge switches off (see Fig.
This parameter is only relevant if the automatic baudrate detection has been se-
lected for at least one CAN segment.
No time limit is set in the standard configuration, the CANbridge then remains in
“Automatic baudrate detection“ mode until a baudrate has been detected on
both sides.
Note: the baudrate can only be detected if there is bus traffic and at least two
nodes per segment are active. Behavior on Bus Off (CANBusOffRecovery)
The parameter CANBusOffRecovery defines how the CANbridge is to behave
when a CAN segment goes into Bus Off state. With CANBusOffRecovery = no,
the relevant CAN segment remains in Bus Off state until the device is switched
off. If a time between 1 and 60 seconds is specified, CANbridge is restarted after
this time expires. With a restart, the CAN message buffers of both CAN segments
are cleared.
5.2.2 User settings [User]
The user can set a character chain of up to 31 characters for the designation of
his or her individual configuration. The identification key is stored in the device
and can be read out with the download tool.
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4