Functional description
5.2.4 Gateway Tables [CAN1GatewayTable]/[CAN2GatewayTable]
A separate gateway table is available for each CAN bus segment
([CAN1GatewayTable], [CAN2GatewayTable]). This configures which identifier the
received message receives when transmitting to the other segment or whether
the message is filtered out.
The gateway tables are to be created as follows:
The messages to be received are given to the left of the equals sign and the iden-
tifiers to be used when transmitting to the other segment are given to the right
of the equals sign. The data of the messages remain unchanged.
Depending on frame format, the gateway tables are interpreted differently. If
both CAN segments are set to the standard frame format, 11 bit identifiers must
be given to the left and right of the equals sign. All 2048 identifiers can be listed
in the table. If standard frame is translated into extended frame, 2048 entries are
also possible. 11 bit identifiers are on the left, 29 bit identifiers on the right. If
both CAN segments are set to extended frame format, max. 128 entries are pos-
sible and 29 bit identifiers are on both sides of the equals sign. With translations
of extended frame messages to standard frame messages, a maximum of 128
entries is also possible. 29 bit identifiers are on the left, 11 bit identifiers on the
Note: the data are interpreted differently depending on the setting in the frame
format box.
The following example applies when standard frames were set for CAN 1 and ex-
tended frames for CAN2. In this case all values on the left side are interpreted as
standard identifiers, all values on the right as extended identifiers.
; These messages are forwarded to the
; other segment (CAN2) with the
; same identifiers
; These messages are forwarded to CAN2
; with the identifiers given
; on the right side
; The identifiers that are not listed
; or that do not have a
; numerical value on the right side
; are not forwarded to CAN2
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANbridge - Manual, V1.4