Commissioning protocol PKS 1000
6 720 642 838 (2010/03)
Operating temperatures after 10 minutes heating/hot water operation:
Heat transfer fluid out (T8):.................. °C
Heat transfer fluid in (T9):................ °C
Temperature difference between Heat transfer fluid out (T8) and in (T9) approx. 6 ... 10 K ( °C)
Heat transfer fluid (coll.) in (T10): .................. °C
Heat transfer fluid (coll.) out (T11): .................. °C
Temperature difference between Heat transfer fluid (coll.) in (T10) and Heat transfer fluid (coll.) out (T11) approx.
2 ... 5 K ( °C)
Setting heat carrier pump (G2):
Setting collector circuit pump (G3):
Leak test for heating system and collector system carried out
Function check carried out
Customer/person responsible for installation has been instructed in how to operate the cooling station
Documentation handed over
Date and signature of the installation installer:
Tab. 45