Technical information
6 720 642 838
System solutions
Based on Greenline HE E6...E17
Fig. 9
Non-shunted and shunted heating and cooling circuit with buffer tank and passive cooling station. Heating water
does not pass through the cooling station during heating operation.
Circuits E11 and E12 are used for both heating and
cooling. Both circuits have room sensors, E11.TT and
E12.TT, humidity sensors, E31.RM1.TM1 and
E31.RM1.TM2, and room transducer for relative
humidity and temperature E11.TM and E12.TM (dew
point sensor). The humidity sensors are connected to
the cooling station via a condenser switch, E31.RM1.
Room transducer for relative humidity and temperature
E11.TM (dew point sensor) is connected to the cooling
station. E12.TM is connected to the heat pump circuit
board for circuit 2 (XB1).
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The system solution also applies to
Greenline HC, with an integrated hot water
heater (E41).