1. Overview
The purpose of this manual is to provide the necessary information for proper installation, operation and
maintenance of the SINGLEBOX and DOUBLEBOX effluent and sewage lifting stations.
The installer and user should read this manual before using the product
Improper use may cause personal injury and damage to property, and lead to the forfeiture
of the warranty coverage.
For information regarding electric pumps and panels, refer to the relevant manuals.
The instructions and warnings provided below concern the standard version.
Please refer to the sale contract for any modifications or special version characteristics.
Always specify the exact model identification code and construction number when requesting technical
information or spare parts from our Sales and Service department.
For instructions, situations or events not considered in this manual or in the sale documents, please con-
tact the Lowara Service Center nearest you.
2. Preliminary inspection
2.1 Visual inspection
Upon delivery, check the integrity of the packaging.
If the packaging is damaged, unpack the product and inspect it visually to make sure it has suffered no
damage during transport.
Should the product be damaged, inform our dealer within 8 days from delivery.
2.2 Handling and storage
The product is delivered in a cardboard box. During transport and storage, protect it from humidity, heat
sources and possible mechanical damage (impacts, falls, etc). Lift and handle the product carefully
using suitable hoisting equipment.
Refer to chapter 4 for further information.
3. Applications
The SINGLEBOX and DOUBLEBOX lifting stations enable you to solve the problem of conveying the ef-
fluent to the sewer system when this cannot be achieved by gravity. This happens when the wastewater
collection point is at a lower level than the public / private sewer to which it must be connected.
For further information refer to chapter 12.
4. Working limits
For storage :
• Ambient temperature: -5°C to +40°C .
For operation :
For information regarding electric pumps and panels, refer to the relevant manuals.
Do not use the product in environments where corrosive and/or inflammable powders, acids,
gases, etc. are present.
Do not use the electric pump to handle dangerous or flammable liquids.