Mobile Collector System Maintenance
Regularly perform these basic maintenance procedures to ensure optimal performance of your
Mobile Collection hardware system.
Inspecting the Antenna Connectors and Cables on page 42
Inspecting the Antenna Base and Whip on page 42
Cleaning the Antenna on page 43
Replacing the Antenna Gasket on page 43
Inspecting the Antenna Connectors and Cables
The connections and cables to the radio typically experience the most wear. Many customers
remove the radio on a daily basis. Removing and installing the connectors daily can cause the
cable and connector to begin separating. This is considered normal wear and tear.
The coax cables (used in the magnetic mount base) can be damaged if they are accidentally
pinched in a window or door jamb. Any damage to the coax cables or the connectors leads to
decreased read performance and transmitter failures due to high reflected power.
Create a regular maintenance schedule and inspect the following.
Coax cables.
Ensure the cable is not loose from the connector.
Inspect for hard kinks or bends in the cable, which can cause an electrical short.
Inspect for cuts or nicks in the cable.
Coax shield. Do not expose the shield at the connector or anywhere along the cable.
Connector. The center pin of the connector should not be recessed or pushed into the
connector housing.
Replace the entire antenna base if the cables or connectors are damaged. Contact Itron Support
Service if you need any assistance.
Inspecting the Antenna Base and Whip
The antenna whip is the radiating element that both transmits and receives the signals for the
Mobile Collection System. The whip attaches to a base. The base is either mounted through the
roof of the vehicle or is a magnet mount. Moisture can build up between the base and the whip.
This moisture buildup leads to oxidation and corrosion on the threads and contacts, which results
in a loss of signal quality. Evidence of moisture buildup (oxidation) is usually light and hazy in
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