Mobile Collection Hardware Kit
Your Mobile Collection hardware kit arrives in a cardboard shipping box. The Mobile Collector
radio unit is packaged in a smaller reusable shipping box with foam inserts. You can save this
Itron-tested shipping box and use it to safely return the radio unit to Itron in case of future
maintenance or repair needs.
The following items are included in the shipping box.
MC3 or MC3Lite Mobile Collector radio: Includes a mounting harness and straps for
installing the system in your vehicle.
Mobile Collector Sled or Pedestal: The sled installs in the vehicle's passenger seat and is
secured with the vehicle's seat belt. The pedestal solution is installed on the pedestal you
purchased separately for your vehicle.
Mobile Collection vehicle dock: The vehicle dock (for a laptop or tablet), power cables, and
communication cables attach to the sled or pedestal solution.
The vehicle dock is not included if you selected the "No Laptop" option.
Cables: Connects the Mobile Collector radio and the Mobile Collection vehicle dock to the
junction box.
USB cable: Comes attached to the dock and attaches to the Mobile Collection computer.
Provides communication between the Mobile Collection computer and the Mobile Collector
Do not disconnect the USB cable from the vehicle dock.
Power junction box: Attaches to the sled or to a pedestal mount. Provides power to the
Mobile Collection computer, Mobile Collector radio, and optional equipment. The junction
box must be installed prior to first use. For more information, see
Omni-directional antenna: Attaches to the top of the vehicle and receives endpoint
The following parts arrive separately:
Side-Looker antenna
: Optional side-looking, roof-mounted antenna system attaches to the
top of the vehicle and receives endpoint transmissions. Available for the MC3 only.
Mobile Collection software: Instructions for installing the Mobile Collection software are
Mobile Collection computer (laptop or tablet): Runs the Mobile Collection software to collect
reads (if ordered).
Rugged shipping container: Comes with wheels and handle (if ordered).
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Itron, Inc. Page 16 of 44
Vehicle Preparation and Hardware Installation Guide
3 Installing Mobile Collection Components