WatchPAT™200 System
Operation Manual
4.1 Using the Integrated Snore & Body Position Sensor
The integrated sensor consists internally of two sensors: a snore sensor and a body
position sensor.
A - Integrated Sensor
Sensor Attachment
Figure 13 - The Snoring and Body Position Sensor
The integrated sensor is powered by the WatchPAT™ device and does not require a
battery. It is automatically activated by the WatchPAT™ device when plugged into the
Snore & Body position port.
snore sensor
is an acoustic decibel detector. It uses a very sensitive microphone
that responds to snoring and other sounds in the audio range and converts them to a
small analog voltage that provides a clear, reliable indication of the presence of these
body position
sensor uses a 3-axis accelerometer that provides a signal directly
proportional to the patient's sleeping posture (supine, prone, right, left and sit).
See Appendix A: WP200 Integrated S Body Positioning Sensor Operating .
4.2 Tamper-Proof Testing with Watch
PAT™ Device
The WatchPAT™ device Tamper-Proof bracelet is an add-on accessory used to
authenticate the patient doing a sleep study and assure the study is recorded from the right
The bracelet is a single use small plastic band designed to be worn around the wrist of the
hand. It contains an electronic circuit that signals to the WatchPAT™ device the integrity
of the bracelet and a unique identification. During the night the bracelet is connected to the
WatchPAT™ device using a small cable (see Figure 14).