WatchPAT™200 System
Operation Manual
This manual and the information contained herein are confidential and are the sole property
Itamar Medical
Itamar Medical
. or its licensees have the right to use
this information. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or reproduction is a direct violation of
Itamar Medical’s
proprietary rights.
Itamar Medical
. shall not be held responsible in any manner for any bodily injury
and/or property damage arising from operation or use of this WatchPAT™200 device other
than that which adheres strictly to the instructions and safety precautions contained herein
and in all supplements hereto and according to the terms of the warranty provided in the
License Agreement in Appendix C.
Itamar Medical Ltd.
9 Halamish St., P.O. Box 3579
Caesarea Ind. Park, 3088900, Israel
Tel: Interna 972-4-617-7000, US 1-888-7ITAMAR
Fax + 972 4 627 5598
This product and/or method of use, is covered by one or more of the following US patents: 6319205,
6322515, 6461305, 6488633, 6916289, 6939304, 7374540, as well as any pending US patent applications and
corresponding patents and/or applications filed in other countries.
ISO 9001:2008 and EN ISO 13485:2012
See appendix D for contact information of the regulatory authorized representative