WatchPAT™200 System
Operation Manual
Figure 7
– Oximetry Sensor
If the sensor was previously used, carefully remove the used Flexi
wrap pad from the sensor. Remove any remaining adhesive from the
sensor – if necessary clean the sensor using 70% ethyl alcohol or
isopropyl alcohol (IPA).
Place the new Flexi wrap pad with the printed side facing down on a
flat surface.
Partially peel off the paper covering of the pad to expose the adhesive
area around the two cut out sections.
Place the sensor on the pad with the back facing the sticky side
placing the sensor’s protrusions into the corresponding cutout sections
as shown in Figure 8.
Reapply the paper covering of the pad.
Figure 8
– Preparing the Nonin Oximetry Sensor
Flexi wrap pad
Oximetry sensor