0.0 – Pressure set point:
this parameter enables entry of the device set point. It is a constant pressure
value required by the system (maximum pressure). During its operation,
adjusts the electric pump
revs to adapt them to the actual demand from the utilities, therefore maintaining a constant system
The set value must be below the maximum delivery pressure of the pump, to ensure specific
modulation of the pump itself and consequent energy savings.
0.1 - Pump start-up Delta P:
this parameter sets the the negative pressure delta compared to the pump
start-up set point. On opening of any type of utility, the pump will not start-up until the system pressure
has fallen below the set point by a value equal to the delta set in this parameter. After the motor is started
up, the rotation speed is controlled to maintain the pressure value as close as possible to that set in the
pressure set point parameter. The minimum differential settable between Pmax and Pmin is 0.3 Bar, with the recommended value being at
least 0.5 Bar.
0.2 – Dry running pressure:
set a minimum pressure value, below which the dry running protection
device trips due to lack of water. In the case of pump operation at maximum speed, if the pressure in the
system falls below this value, the inverter stops the motor. To ensure correct operation of the protection
device, the settable value must never be higher than the set start-up pressure (obtained from the difference
between the set point and the deltaP values described above). Operation of the protection device should be tested after installation. Also
take into account the water column on outlet, if present.
0.3 - Limit pressure:
this parameter sets the limit for the over-pressure protection to intervene.
Tripping of the over-pressure protection stops operation of the inverter until it is reset by the user.
0.4 – Pressure 2 set point:
this parameter enables entry of the secondary set point of the device. When
the I/O board input is closed externally, the pressure value set in this parameter becomes the new set point
, according to which
regulates the revs of the electric pump (see also parameter 3.1).
0.5 - Immediate stop Delta P:
this parameter sets the positive pressure delta compared to the set point
for immediate shutdown of the pump. During normal operation, when the valves close, the pump stops
after a time set in the parameter "stop delay". In any event, if the system pressure exceeds the Pmax value
of a delta greater than the value set in this parameter, the pump will stop immediately to avoid
overpressure which may damage the system.
0.6 - Unit of measurement:
select the unit of measurement in BAR or PSI
0.7 – Sensor full scale:
this defines the full scale of the connected pressure sensor. It is compatible with
pressure sensors from 0-6 bar up to 0-16 bar or from 0-100 PSI up to 0-250 PSI, with current signal
1.0 – Motor current:
this parameter enables entry of the maximum current absorbed by the electric
pump in routine conditions, to enable shut-down of the motor in the event of excessive absorption. Shut-
down occurs also if the current is unbalanced between phases by more than 25% with respect to the set
maximum value.
The trip time of the current overload safety device is inversely proportional to the entity of the overload
in progress; therefore, a slight overload will lead to a more delayed trip time while a more significant overload will accelerate the trip time.
1.1 - Direction of rotation:
this screen enables the user to invert the direction of rotation of the electric
pump without modification to the electric motor wiring. To modify the direction of rotation of the motor,
use keys "+" and "-"; the direction indicated by the arrow has a purely indicative value and does not reflect
the actual sense of rotation, which must be verified by the installer.
1.2 - Minimum frequency:
this parameter defines the minimum frequency at which the pump is started
up and defines the end of the ramp for shutdown. For three-phase pumps a value of 25Hz is advised. Also
consult the information supplied by the manufacturer of the electric pump to determine at what minimum
frequency value the connected electric motor can operate.
0.0 Pressure
setpoint 3.0 BAR
0.1 DeltaP start
pump 1.0 BAR
0.2 Dry Running
Press. 0.5 BAR
0.3 Over press.
Limit 16.0 BAR
0.4 Pressure set
point2 3.0 BAR
0.5 DeltaP stop
immed. 1.5 BAR
0.6 Measurement
unit BAR
0.7 Pres.Sens.
Scale 16.0
1.0 Motor rated
Current 0.5A
1.1 Motor rotat.
1.2 Minimum
Freq. 25 Hz