Page 23 of 97
Issue: 1.04
Channel box:
Use the up/down buttons by the
box to select the channel
you wish to view. Alternatively press the ellipses button to open a numeric entry
window and select the channel directly. The ellipses button is particularly useful
when the microK is used with microsKanner multiplexers, which can provide up
to 90 expansion channels. You can only view channels that are enabled, so if a
channel is disabled in the
tab it will not appear in the sequence and will
not be measured. This means that the up/down buttons have no effect if only one
channel is enabled.
The numeric display shows the last reading together with the mean and standard
deviation of the most recent of readings (the number of readings in the statistics
is set in the
Clear Graph:
Press the
Clear Graph
button to clear the graph and re-start the
autoscaling feature. This can be used to eliminate the effect of a large transient
result (perhaps caused when changing connections to the thermometer) on the
autoscaling function.
Clear button:
Press the
button to clear (reset) the statistics.
Set Scales button:
Use the
Set Scales
button to open a new window and set the x
and y axes for the graphical output: