iSMA-B-LP Room Panel/Modbus
version 1.3
Page 58 / 121 m3h Unit Active bit 11
If the bit is
, then together with actual parameter Present Value the m3h unit is
displayed. The default value is 0. %Rh Unit Active bit 12
If the bit is
, then together with actual parameter Present Value the %Rh unit is
displayed. The default value is 0. Ls Unit Active bit 13
If the bit is
, then together with actual parameter Present Value the l/s unit is displayed.
The default value is 0. % Unit Active bit 14
If the bit is
, then together with actual parameter Present Value the % unit is displayed.
The default value is 0. h Unit Active bit 15
If the bit is
, then together with actual parameter Present Value the h unit is displayed.
The default value is 0.
Boolean parameter type registers
Each submenu has 8 Boolean user-defined parameters. Each of user-defined parameters
has the same structure: it contains 6 registers dedicated to different functionalities and
purposes. Each register is described below (Exact Modbus address for each register: see the
list of all Modbus registers
XPresentValue (X = [1.8])
The register contains actual value of the parameter. The default value is 0 (inactive).
Note: Please note that the register is an integer type. To use Boolean type point refer to
Submenu Boolean All present value registers
XName (X = [1.8])
There is one 32-bit register, which can contain up to 4 characters (ASCII code) which can be
displayed as a text (name) on 14-segment display block together with the Present Value
register (displayed on 8-segment display block). In case when particular character value is 0
(NULL), the character is not displayed. Lower case characters are automatically changed
into upper case characters. The default name is BOOX where X=[1.8] (ex. Register value for
= 1328628303).