I A P 2 0 2 1 . 0 0 1 - A F M /
I R I S G 1 1 5 E / T U T O R T . 1
P a g e
Simulated Emergencies
Some drills for simulated emergencies may be practised with full switch
selection but others may not.
Careful briefing is necessary to avoid mistakes. It is usually sufficient to do
touch drills, i.e. touch the switch/selector without disturbing it from the normal
flight position. In particular, during practice engine failure drills do not move
the mixture lever.
Simulated Forced Landing
When simulating a forced landing, it is essential to ensure that the aircraft is
configured for landing in the event of actual engine failure in the latter stages
of the approach or go-around.
For this reason, the PRE-LANDING CHECKS (with the exception of take-off flap)
should be completed prior to reaching the Hi-Key position. In addition, on the
crosswind leg of the forced landing pattern, an engine warm should be
carried out.
If the CHT has fallen below 100ºC, carry out a full engine warm for 3 secs or
until the engine responds normally, whichever is the longer period. If the CHT
is above 100ºC it is acceptable to carry out an engine warm for about 1 sec
as long as the engine responds correctly.
If the CHT is below 65ºC, discontinue the PFL until the engine is once again
within normal operating limits.