• Identification of hazards
Exposure for long periods by inhalation can cause
anaesthetic effects. Very high levels of exposure may
cause anomalies in heartbeat and cause sudden death.
If the product is nebulized or sprayed it can cause cold
burns to the eyes and skin. It is dangerous for the
ozone layer.
• First aid measures
Move the injured person away from the source of expo-
sure to a warm place where he can rest. If necessary,
administer oxygen. Practice artificial respiration if the
person has stopped, or seems about to stop, breathing.
In the event of cardiac arrest perform CPR. Call for
medical assistance immediately.
Contact with the skin
Thaw the parts concerned using water.
Remove contaminated clothes.
A t t e n t i o n : i n t h e e v e n t o f c o l d b u r n s , c l o t h e s c a n
adhere to the skin. In case of contact with the skin,
wash immediately and thoroughly with warm water. If
symptoms occur (irritation or blisters) ask for medical
Contact with the eyes
Wash immediately with an eye-wash or clean water,
keeping the eyelids apart for at least 10 minutes. Ask
for medical advice.
Do not induce vomiting.
If the injured person is conscious, make him rinse his
mouth out and drink 200-300 ml of water.
Request medical assistance immediately.
Further medical care
Treatment for symptoms and support therapy where
indicated. Do not administer adrenalin or similar
s u b s t a n c e s a f t e r e x p o s u r e b e c a u s e o f t h e r i s k o f
cardiac arrhythmia with the possibility of cardiac arrest.
• Fire-prevention measures
Thermal decomposition causes the emission of very
toxic and corrosive vapours (hydrogen chloride, hydro-
gen fluoride). In the event of fire, use breathing appara-
tus and suitable protective clothes.
Fire extinguishers
Use extinguishers suitable for the type of fire.
• Toxicological information
High concentrations in the atmosphere can cause an
anaesthetic effect and possible unconsciousness. Very
high levels of exposure may cause anomalies in heart-
beat and cause sudden death.
Even higher concentrations can cause suffocation due
to reduced oxygen content in the air.
Contact with the skin
If the product is nebulized or sprayed it can cause cold
bur ns to the eyes a nd skin. It does not se em to be
dangerous if absorbed by the skin. Repeated and
prolonged contact can cause loss of natural skin oils
with consequent drying, chapping and dermatitis.
• Ecological information
It breaks down quite quickly in the lower atmosphere
(troposphere). The products or decomposition have high
dispersion features and thus have a low concentration.
It does not promote photochemical smog (i.e. it is not
part of the volatile organic compounds -VOC- in compli-
ance with the UNECE agreement).
Its ozone destruction potential (ODP) is 0.055 mea-
sured against a standard ODP of 1 for cfc11 (according
to the uNeP definitions).
This substance is regulated by the Protocol of Montreal
(1992 revision).
Product discharges into the atmosphere do not cause
long-term water contamination.
• Disposal suggestions
The best solution is to collect and recycle the product. If
this is not possible, it must be destroyed in a plant that is
authorised and equipped to absorb and neutralize the
acid gases and other toxic operating by-products.
• Measures to be followed in the event of accidental
Make sure that the person eliminating the dispersion is
suitably protected (using special apparatus to protect
the respiratory tract) while cleaning up spills.
I f i t i s s a f e e n o u g h t o d o s o , i s o l a t e t h e s o u r c e o f
dispersion. If the dispersion is modest and ventilation is
sufficient, simply let it evaporate.
For dispersion of large quantities:
- ventilate the area;
- contain the spilled material using sand, soil or other
suitable absorbing material;
- prevent it from penetrating into drains, sewers, base-
ments and construction excavations because the
vapours can cause suffocation.
• Handling
Avoid inhalation of high concentrations of vapours.
Concentrations in the atmosphere must be reduced to
a minimum and kept at the lowest reasonably possible
level, below the professional exposure limit.
T h e v a p o u r s a r e h e a v i e r t h a n t h e a i r a n d f o r t h i s
reason it is possible that high concentrations form near
ground level where ventilation is scarce. In these
cases, ensure adequate ventilation and wear protective
apparatus for the respiratory tract with a reserve supply
of air. Avoid contact with open flames and hot surfaces
because irritating and toxic products of decomposition
may form. Avoid contact of the liquid with eyes/skin.
Demolition and disposal of the machine must be carried
out in accordance with standards currently in effect in the
c o u n t r y o f i n s t a l l a t i o n , e s p e c i a l l y c o n c e r n i n g t h e
refrigeration gas and lubrication oil of the compressor.
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