Synthesis Ophthalmic Scanning Laser Systems
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88292-EN, Rev D
PASCAL Synthesis Ophthalmic Scanning Laser System is a laser system console with an
integrated slit lamp. The system connects to the slit lamp to enable laser energy to be
delivered through the slit lamp illumination path. The system may be used for standard
single shot photocoagulation and laser scanning patterns.
PASCAL Synthesis Ophthalmic Scanning Laser System enables the physician to deliver
multiple laser spots with a single footswitch depression by automating the emission of laser
light. The aiming beam displays the pattern, allowing the physician to place it in the
appropriate location.
This manual outlines PASCAL Synthesis Ophthalmic Scanning Laser System, including
operating procedures, troubleshooting, maintenance and cleaning. Please refer to this
operator manual for instructions and guidance on how to appropriately use your laser.
Before using the system, carefully read “CAUTION & WARNING” and “General Safety and
Regulatory Information” section to familiarize yourself with the operation of the system.
Iridex Corporation accepts full responsibility for safety, reliability and performance of the
device only if:
Service, readjustments, modifications and/or repairs are performed exclusively by
Iridex Corporation-certified personnel.
The electrical installation of the treatment room complies with the applicable IEC,
CEC and NEC requirements.
The warranty is void if any of these warnings are disregarded.
Iridex Corporation reserves the right to make changes to the device(s) herein. Device(s),
therefore, may not agree in detail with the published design or specifications. All
specifications are subject to change without notice.
For questions regarding your laser, please contact Iridex Corporation or your local Iridex
Corporation representative.