Synthesis Ophthalmic Scanning Laser Systems
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88292-EN, Rev D
Decontamination of Returned Equipment
To comply with United States postal and transportation law, equipment shipped to Iridex
Corporation for repair or return must be properly decontaminated with a chemical germicide
that is commercially available and cleared for sale as a Hospital Disinfectant. To ensure that
all equipment has been properly decontaminated, a signed Decontamination Certificate
(provided in this section) must be enclosed in the package.
If equipment is received without a Decontamination Certificate, Iridex Corporation will
assume the product is contaminated and will assess the customer with decontamination
Any inquiries should be directed to the Iridex Corporation Service Department. These include
service of a device, assistance with troubleshooting the device and ordering accessories.
US Technical Service Information
Iridex Corporation
1212 Terra Bella Avenue
Mountain View, California 94043
Phone: +1.650.940.4700
Fax : +1.650.962.0486