4. Headless software
Many of the software packages used with the Raspberry Pi simply turn the Pi into a “Headless” end-
point. That is to say that it doesn't need, or expect, a screen/display to be physically attached to the
Raspberry Pi’s HDMI socket. It is not something to be scared of towards the end of October.
So if there’s no screen how do you control it?
Well in some cases you don’t need to do anything with the Pi at all. Take the RoonLabs images, that
turns the Pi into a Roon Certified end-point. The Pi is then controlled form the RoonLabs PC/Mac
application which connects to and plays music through the IQaudIO sound card on your Raspberry
Pi. No screen needs to be attached to the Pi itself.
Other “headless” applications install a web server onto the Pi, so to control it you simply open a
browser window on your PC / Mac / Tablet or similar and interact with the Pi based application
through a web page. Applications such as
Max2Play - visit their getting started page here: