System DECT Installation Guide
Issue 1.3
Figure 3.2.2-2 Antenna Radiation Pattern
Office furniture and structures such as filing cabinets, and certain windows and other
surfaces can cause reflections of the original signal. Some materials cause significant
reflections, which can reduce the received signal. GDC-600BE has two antennas to
implement antenna diversity, which minimizes the affects of signal reflections. By
employing the antenna with the best signal, the affects of reflected signals can be
reduced. Although reflections cannot be eliminated in an office, consider locating the
Base Stations away from cabinets and other tall furniture.
High noise levels affect the ability of the receiver to separate the desired signal from the
general noise. Office and industrial equipments such as Fax machines, office
electronics, welders, microwave ovens and even poorly maintained fluorescent lighting
can generate high RF emissions, which appear as background RF noise. Also multiple
reflections of the original signal can appear as noise. Again, although RF noise cannot
be eliminated, noise can be reduced by locating Base stations away from nearby