System DECT Installation Guide
Issue 1.3
2. Determine the broadcasting range of a Base Station.
In a typical office environment, the radios of the cell supported by a Base Station is
approximately 25-40 meters. These figures however, are truly dependent on the office
characteristics (ex., construction material of walls, placement of metallic objects, doors,
windows, etc.); make sure to get to know the broadcast range in your environment
taking each office characteristic into account (refer to Figure 3.2.2-3).
Figure 3.2.2-3 Sample Temporary Base Station Position
3. Mark the position of the offices where wireless handsets (450H/480H/500H) mainly will
be used, and mark the places where high call demands would exist; these areas should
be well covered by the Base Stations.
4. Roughly determine the number of Base Stations and the positions needed according to
the above tips.