6.2 Operation mode display
With different applications, one differentiates between two operating modes:
Aeration / treatment mode
Filtration / Pump cycle mode
The biological treatment is done in the aeration mode. Aeration mode does not run permanently, but is
run at intervals to save energy. The exact functioning is set by the controller. If aeration is not required (for
instance, with rainwater treatment) then the ventilation parameter is set (Air ON/OFF = 0/0).
The biologically treated water is filtered via membranes in the filtration mode and routed to the clear water
tank. The filtration start time (T1/T2) and filtration duration (A1/A2) can also be separately adjusted.
Neither aeration nor filtration operations occur in pause mode.
Filtration type Aeration setting
Pump cycles
setting value
Average flow rate
(each membrane and
Clear water
Direct filtration
BOD < 5 mg/l
Air ON/OFF = 0/0
A1/ A2= 20/25 4 l/min / 1600 l/d
Surface ground water
Direct filtration
BOD < 25 mg/l
Air ON/OFF =1/15
A1/ A2= 18/20 2.5 l/min / 800 l/d
Clear discharged
Direct filtration
BOD < 25 mg/l
Air ON/OFF = 1/15 A1/ A2= 10/18 2-2.5 l/min/ 800 l/d
Gray water recycling
MBR Filtration
BOD <200 mg/l
Air ON/OFF = 5/10 A1/ A2= 5 / 9
1-1.5 l/min / 300 l/d
Tab.: Parameter examples for various applications