Section 9, Mounting the Space Heating Module (optional)
9.7 Space Heating Zone Board
2 Pin Connector cable and clip on aquastat
The Zone Board has a 2 pin connector cable, see Figure 9-3:
Space Heating Module and Zone Board Electrical Hookup, that
is to be connected through a connector cord (supplied) to the
connector on the leads on the clip on aquastat (previously
installed on the WaterHeater™).
4 Pin Connector Cable
The Zone Board has a 4 pin connector cable that is to be
connected through a connector cord (supplied) to the matching
4 pin connector cable from the Space Heating Module itself.
Cabin Fan Leads
The Zone Board has two color coded connecting leads for the
space heating cabin fan heater.
Thermostat Leads
The Zone Board has two color coded connecting leads for
connection to the space heating thermostat.
The Zone Board has one ten amp fuse for the cabin fan, a one
amp fuse for the thermostat and the remainder are five amp
fuses for the distribution pumps.
The WaterHeater™ by ITR