xGenConnect Installation and Programming Guide
In the multiple sensor learning mode, another sensor can be tripped and learned
in the position X+1.
The multiple sensor learning mode will stop when the transmitter address
reaches the limit for the particular control panel model, or when the Cancel
button is pressed.
Ensure that the particular device is enrolled in the proper transmitter
number range, for example, in the NXG-8 panel variant, sensors must be
enrolled within the range 1 to 48, and keyfobs must be enrolled within the range
49 to 64. Trying to enroll a device in the wrong transmitter range will cause an
error “Invalid Device Type”.
Deleting wireless sensor
To delete a single sensor from the system, go to the menu Program / Devices /
Interlogix Transmitters, and select the sensor you want to remove. Enter value
“0” in the transmitter serial number field, and then press Enter.
The sensor is now permanently removed from the system.
Restoring factory defaults
Default settings of the panel or peripheral devices can be restored by pressing
D button in the relevant System Device menus of the Program menu:
• The Panel factory defaults can be restored by pressing D button at the menu
/ Devices / System Devices / Control / Device number 1
This is equivalent to the operation Default ALL performed on the NXG-1820-
EUR keypad.
• The factory defaults of a peripheral device can be restored by pressing
D button at the menu location:
/ Devices / System Devices / TYPE / Device number X
where TYPE can be: Keypad, Zone Exp, Output Exp, Power Supply, and X is
the device number.
For example, pressing D button at the menu location
“/ Devices / System
Devices /Keypad / Device number 2
” will restore the factory defaults of the
2nd keypad in the system.
Using this method, one can restore the factory defaults of the NXG-183x-EUR
keypad itself.
In all the cases, the keypad asks for confirmation before loading the factory
defaults in order to avoid accidental changes.
Logo customization
The NXG-183x-EUR keypad can display a company logo on the display when
both the Enable Screensaver and the Show Logo options are enabled in the
keypad settings. The logo will be shown only when the keypad screensaver
mode is active.