D-0134090-A – 2022/11
VisualEyes™ - Instructions for Use - EN
Figure 3.5-5 Electrode montage positions for ENG evaluations
The patient must be prepared with the electrodes based on the chosen montage type. The operator can
verify the electrode placement against the labels on the pictures shown in the software. The default montage
can be set from
Configuration > System Default Settings > ENG
. The patient’s skin has to be abraded with
alcohol-free pumice pads and dried before placing the electrodes. Before starting the test, it is important to
perform an impedance test to verify proper electrode signal reception (see section 3.5.3 or refer to
). Once the operator gets the acceptable level of impedance, she/he can proceed with the
calibration for the individual test of a test battery followed by the actual test.
3.5.4 Placing the goggles on the patient
When a patient is tested using one of the goggles, the goggles must be placed appropriately. Ensure that the
goggle cover is taken off while you place the goggle on the patient’s face. Adjust the strap for a snug fit. For
vision-denied testing, place the cover on the goggles. Confirm with the patient that there is no light leakage.
If the patient still sees light, adjust the goggle’s position and tightness of the strap as needed.
Eye image adjustment
After placing the goggle on every individual patient, and before performing any tests, it is important to ensure
that the camera image is configured properly to track the patient’s pupils adequately.
Go to the test screen by clicking “BEGIN TESTING” on the main screen. The camera eye images will then be
visible from the test screen.
Eye image centering:
The eyes should be centered so that the pupils appear in the center of the image window with the patient
looking straight ahead.
If the image if not optimally centered, the eye tracker may fail to record eye movements in certain
Side mount goggle
If using the side mount goggle, use the mirror adjustment and the alignment knobs on the sides of the
cameras for vertical and horizontal adjustment, as described in section