D-0134090-A – 2022/11
VisualEyes™ - Instructions for Use - EN
Figure 2.6-36: Drum stimuli settings for the Auto-Traverse/Comprehensive chair
If the sine wave does not show superimposed lines, select the ’Calibration’ option. Click the Go button under
Drift Calibration and adjust the drift using the left / right arrow buttons to stop any drum movement. Click
Stop. Then click on the Go button under Velocity Tach calibration. The drum will begin to rotate. Make sure
the direction is counter clockwise. Two lines will appear and eventually be superimposed. The calibration will
stop automatically.
Figure 2.6-37: Drift calibration and Velocity Tach Calibration for the optokinetic drum on the Auto-Traverser/Comprehensive chair
Safety checks
Before beginning the test in the chair system, certain safety tests must be done as described below.
Safety checks for for Orion Auto-Traverse and Orion Comprehensive
- Watchdog safety: Make sure the E-stop has been disengaged. The E-stop will remain off until one
enters the VisualEyes™ software and clicks on Begin Testing or goes into
System Default Settings >
Rotational Chair
and selects “Orion A/C”. Exiting VisualEyes™ will turn off the E-stop light after a
few seconds. This ensures the Watchdog safety is working.
- Booth door safety: Click Begin testing with the booth door open. You should receive a message
alerting that the booth door needs to be closed to continue testing. Close the booth door and go to a
rotational chair test. You will get a safety checklist. The list needs to be checked before test can