Module Integration Manual
Page 7 of 18
Interrogator RF Board (400.00152.xxxx)
Figure 2 shows the side of the INTERROGATOR RF BOARD facing away from the host, without shielding. The blue
outline encloses the optional Class A partial discharge (PD) receiver. The red outline encloses the Class B RF
transceiver circuitry. The remainder of the circuitry incorporates an integrated Class B digital device.
When installed in a suitable host, the resulting system will pass FCC (15.231(e)), CCC, and CE
(EN 300-220) radio parameter testing, subject to
Regional Settings
limits on amplitude,
frequencies, and duty cycle. Caution should be exercised in the host layout such that there are
not large amplitude noise signals immediately adjacent to the areas indicated as RF or PD. The
limited modular approval applies only to hosts designed solely or jointly by IntelliSAW and the
module is not approved for sale to other entities for insertion into systems over which IntelliSAW
does not have control to the extent to which FCC regulations apply to such products.
When operated inside a suitable-sealed metal cabinet, e.g. a switchgear or enclosed
transformer, the equipment is able to obtain the required shielding to meet the required
emissions levels while operating at full hardware power (16mW conducted with +3.5dBi antenna
gain).. End of life equipment with ungasketed doors have been demonstrated to meet FCC Part
15.231(e). KDB 550099 describes the allowed classes of equipment that are able to house the
equipment and the conditions for such installations.