Module Integration Manual
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Interrogator RF Board (400.00152.xxxx)
A label must be affixed to the outside of the host product with the following statements:
This device contains
Contains device certified under
IC: 11526A-ISAWRFH0215
The final host / module combination may also need to be evaluated against the FCC Part 15B
criteria for unintentional radiators in order to be properly authorized for operation as a Part 15
digital device.
Simultaneous Transmission Evaluation
This module has
been evaluated or approved for simultaneous transmission as it is
impossible to determine the exact multi-transmission scenario that a host manufacturer may
choose. Any simultaneous transmission condition established through module integration into a
host product must be evaluated per the requirements in FCC KDB447498D01(8).
Module Antenna Installation Environments
The INTERROGATOR RF BOARD module with approved antennas have been tested and
approved for professional installation in the following environments:
1. Metal enclosures described in the IEEE/ANSI Std C37.20, or UL and NEMA
specifications derived from Std C37.20, as indicated in KDB 550099. The host device is
not required to be in such an enclosure since the antenna is wired away from the host.
IEEE C37.20 testing is related to antennas being inside the equipment and relates only
to shielding of the conducted power of the transmitter at fundamental frequencies to
provide radiated emissions below the levels allowed for FCC. Changes to the
INTERROGATOR RF BOARD module that do not change the conducted power or alter
the antenna should not require field test to be repeated.
All other FCC part 15 requirements of the INTERROGATOR RF BOARD module met
independent of C37.20 or any other enclosure. An addition to the grant conditions for
additional enclosures at the same or lower conducted power will require a justification,
may require field testing for fundamental field strength, but shall not require repeat of
spurious emissions testing if the INTERROGATOR RF BOARD module has not been
Host User Manual Requirements
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by IntelliSAW Inc.
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.