Use the
option for details on how to use these commands. For example:
fpgaflash --help
B.3. Which environment variables are required?
To ensure all environment variables are set, you must source the initialization script
that is provided as part of the installer.
B.4. What actions do I take if I see the error message "Error
enumerating resources: no driver available"?
1. Validate that your card is detected by PCIe.
lspci | grep 0b2b
If it is not detected, remove the card and then plug it back in again.
2. Reinstall OPAE by following steps listed the Installing the OPAE Software section.
B. Troubleshooting Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
UG-20202 | 2019.08.05
Intel Acceleration Stack Quick Start Guide: Intel FPGA Programmable
Acceleration Card D5005