5. Running FPGA Diagnostics
This section presents instructions on how to run the FPGA diagnostics by using the
utility. You can run the diagnostic test, provided with the Acceleration Stack
Runtime/Development package, to ensure the board interface components (PCIe +
DMA) are working according to the use model. The current AFUs accepted are
, running
1. Configure the number of system hugepages the FPGA fpgadiag utility requires:
sudo sh -c "echo 20 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-\
Note: The above configuration is for a single card system. For multiple cards, set
the number of 2 MB hugepages to 20*<number_of_cards>.
2. Configure and run diagnostics with
AFU image.
sudo fpgabist $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/nlb_mode_3/bin/\
tool accepts PCIe -B, -D, -F as arguments on multi card systems.
Sample output:
Running fpgadiag trput test...
Cachelines Read_Count Write_Count Cache_Rd_Hit Cache_Wr_Hit Cache_Rd_Miss
1024 670267380 670269108 0 0 0
Cache_Wr_Miss Eviction 'Clocks(@250 MHz)' Rd_Bandwidth Wr_Bandwidth
0 0 1250189534 12.762 GB/s 12.77 GB/s
VH0_Rd_Count VH0_Wr_Count VH1_Rd_Count VH1_Wr_Count
670267380 670269109 0 0
VL0_Rd_Count VL0_Wr_Count
0 0
Finished Executing NLB (FPGA DIAG)Tests
Built-in Self-Test Completed.
3. Configure two 1 GB hugepages for DMA AFU diagnostics.
sudo sh -c "echo 2 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-\
4. Configure and run diagnostics with DMA AFU image.
sudo fpgabist $OPAE_PLATFORM_ROOT/hw/samples/dma_afu/bin/dma_afu.gbs
Sample output:
Running mode: dma_afu
Attempting Partial Reconfiguration:
Reading bitstream
UG-20202 | 2019.08.05
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