Running Sample Applications
Getting Started Guide
Running Sample Applications
This section describes the sample code that can be executed on the target platform along with
instructions on their usage for both Yocto* and Fedora*.
QuickAssist Technology Acceleration Sample
The software package contains a set of sample tests that exercises the SoC acceleration
functionality. This section describes the steps required to build and execute the sample tests.
The sample application is provided for both Kernel Space and User Space and the following
sections contain instructions for both.
The memory driver included with the sample application is a sample memory driver and is not
intended for actual deployment.
Compiling the Acceleration Sample Code
The acceleration sample code can be built from the installation script, or it can be compiled
If the installer was used and all code built successfully, it may be possible to proceed directly to
These instructions assume the software package was untarred in the /QAT directory and the
kernel source files were placed in the directory specified in this guide.
To build from the installation script, do the following:
Open a Terminal Window and switch to superuser:
# su
<enter root password>
For details on running user space applications as non-root user, please refer to the "Running
Applications as Non-
Root User" section in the Rangeley Software Programmer’s Guide.
In the
directory, start the installation script.
# cd /QAT
# ./
If the configuration section has built sample code for 1.x then select "build" to build the
sample code. If the configuration section does not have sample code, select "Change
Configuration" to option a1, "Set Build Target as "sample_code only", or use command line
option "./ build_sample [QAT1.5|QAT1.6|mux]". This option compiles the
Acceleration Sample code for both user space and kernel space. It also compiles the
memory mapping driver used with the user space application.