Building and Installing the Software
Getting Started Guide
Product Family for Communications Infrastructure devices are: c2xxx_qa_dev0.conf and
c2xxx_qa_dev0_single_ae.conf. The c2xxx_qa_dev0_single_ae.conf file is intended for use
with SKUs that contain a single acceleration engine.
The files are processed when the system boots. If changes are made to the configuration file,
the Acceleration software must be restarted for the changes to take effect. Refer to
9.5, “Starting/Stopping the Acceleration Software”
for detailed instructions.
The software package includes multiple types of configuration files. Depending on your
installation options and SKU, a valid configuration file will be copied to the /etc directory for
The software has been validated with the default configuration files included in the software
package. Changes to the configuration files could have adverse effects.
Refer to the Rangeley Software Programmer’s Guide for additional information on the
configuration files.
Minimizing Acceleration Software Compilation Time
When compiling/installing the Acceleration Software, a "make clean" operation is performed.
This results in rebuilding every source file included in the package, even if the source files are
unaltered. The "make clean" is done to ensure a proper build is performed. Here are a few items
that could cause issues that would require the "make clean":
If any compile time build flags are added which may not be reflected in the already- built object
If changes are made to header files, performing make clean prior to the make would be
If you are comfortable with these constraints, you can update the $ICP_ROOT/
quickassist/Makefile line where ALL_TARGETS is defined and remove the 'clean' from the list
of targets. This will remove the clean operation from the build process.
Before the update, the line looks like:
ALL_TARGETS = clean lac_lib_dir libosal libosal_user hal adf adf_user
lac lac_user qat-fw install_scripts
After the update, the line looks like:
ALL_TARGETS = lac_lib_dir libosal libosal_user hal adf adf_user
lac lac_user qat-fw install_scripts