12 | Integral Audio | Installation Instructions
• TUNING & PERFORMANCE: The factory audio system is “tuned” to provide
exaggerated bass at around 60Hz, giving the temporary illusion of better bass
performance. Unfortunately the factory speakers aren’t capable of producing
this exaggerated level of bass without creating distortion that affects the other
frequencies the speaker is asked to produce. The Integral Audio subwoofer sys-
tem allows the correction of this factory “tuning”. Because the subwoofer system
has an independent volume control, the “Bass” EQ setting on the headunit can
be lowered. This reduces the exaggerated bass level being sent to the factory
speakers and eliminates the greatest source of distortion in the system, improving
the transient response of the factory speakers. The recommended initial settings
listed earlier will give nearly flat frequency response in the sub-bass region.
• SIGNAL SOURCE QUALITY: A poor quality signal will always sound poor no
matter how good an audio system is. If you are using MP3s or home-burned CDs
it is critical that you understand the limitations and impacts of digital compression
methods. MP3s at less than 256kbps will have noticeable loss of quality. Satel-
lite radio is also compressed and will have similar quality issues. Non-commer-
cially obtained music (especially downloaded via P2P file-sharing) recordings are
often re-mixed by third parties and will have been compressed in an unknown and
uncontrolled manner. If you want good quality sound, use only commercial CDs
or MP3s compressed at 256kbps or 320kbps.
• FACTORY RADIO SETTINGS: Please note that the settings (Bass, Treble, Fade,
Balance, AUX input level, etc.) are stored on the Key FOB & are specific to the
Source (Radio, CD, AUX). You will need to edit and save the settings for each
source and each FOB to have consistent sound.
All specifications are subject to change without notice. Integral Audio® and the Integral Audio logo, are registered trademarks of
Integral Audio. For more detailed information please visit us online at www.integralaudio.com.
Having Trouble? The best thing to do is contact us at support@integra-
laudio.com or via the phone number listed on the receipt that was emailed
to you. We’ll get you fixed up!
Tips & Tuning