Customer Services (858) 578-7887 & (888) GO IN
Controls, 12700 Stowe Dr., Suite 1
0, Poway, CA 92064
Fax (858) 578-4633 & (888) FX IN
Specification subject to change without notice.
Printed in USA 140403
Polygard® is a registered trademark of MSR
Gas Transmitter
User Manual - AT-1193
Page 07
5.4 Option Relay Output
The two relays are activated in dependence of the gas concentration. If the gas concentration exceeds
the adjusted alarm threshold, the corresponding relay switches on. If the gas concentration falls below
the threshold minus hysteresis, the relay switches off again.
The contact function for relay 2, NC (normally closed) or NO (normally open), can be selected via the
jumper NO/NC. See fig 1 and 3. Relay 1 is equipped with a change-over contact.
Via the ModBus interface the two alarm thresholds and the hysteresis are freely adjustable at the PC within
the measuring range. The procedure can be read from the user manual “ModBus Software”.
The following parameters are factory-set.
Alarm threshold 1 = Relay 1: 5 ppm
Alarm threshold 2 = Relay 2: 8 ppm
Switching hysteresis: 1 ppm
6 Inspection and Service
Inspection, service and calibration of the transmitters should be done by trained technicians and executed
at regular intervals. We therefore recommend concluding a service contract with
one of their authorized partners.
According to EN 45544-4, inspection and service has to be executed at regular intervals. The
maximum intervals have to be determined by the person responsible for the gas warning system
according to the legal requirements.
recommends checking the PolyGard Transmitter
every three months and maintaining it every 12 months. If different intervals are indicated, always consider
the shortest interval.
Inspections and services must be documented. The date for the next maintenance has to be affixed to
the transmitter.
6.1 Inspection
The PolyGard Transmitter should be checked regularly by a competent person. The following has to be
checked in particular:
Maintenance/ calibration interval not exceeded.
Visual inspection of the transmitter including cable for damage etc.
Remove dust deposits, especially at the gas inlet.
6.2 Service and Calibration
When performing the maintenance you have to do the calibration and the functional test in addition to
the inspection.
Calibration: See section 5.
Functional test: Check the output signal at the test pins during calibration.
Specifications subject to change without notice. | USA 140403 | Page 7 of 13
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| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
AT-1193 – UserManual
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12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.IN
| relevantsolutions.com/inteccontrols
AT-1193 – UserManual
is a registered trademark of MSR-Electronic GmbH | GAADT531193_E_1011
INTEC Controls | 12700 Stowe Drive, Suite 100, Poway, CA 92064 | Ph: (858) 578.7887 & (888) GO.INTEC | inteccontrols.com
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AT-1193 V3 – UserManual