Configure SMS Dispatch
The MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 can send an SMS to a phone number when closing input 1. The
pulse is distinguished between a long pulse with a duration of a minimum of 4 seconds,
and individual pulses, which are shorter than 1 second.
The long pulse triggers the SMS message for the simple alarm. The short pulses trigger
the dispatch of the SMS messages for the according number of pulses.
SMS messages can contain up to 140 characters.
Configuration with the web interface
To make sure that the SMS dispatch works, enter in the menu "In-/Outputs"
on the page "Sending SMS" the
number of an SMS Service Center
into the en-
try field "SCN (Service Center Number) SIM card 1". If you use a second SIM
card, tnter the SMSC number for this SIM card into the entry field "SCN (Ser-
vice Center Number) SIM card 2".
In order to send
a message by
the single,
4 seconds long pulse
, enter under
"Simple alarm" a destination phone number into the entry field "Telephone
number". The number format depends on the requirements of the service
center. Request further details on the number format of the destination pho-
ne number by your SMS Service Center operator. Enter the text of the SMS
message into the respective entry field.
In order to send
a message
for a number of
short, 1 second lasting pulses
scroll down in the menu "In-/Outputs" on the page "Sending SMS" to the entry
field for the desired number of pulses. Enter a destination phone number into
the entry field "Telephone number" of the section for the desired number of
pulses. Enter the text of the SMS message into the respective entry field.
Save your settings
by clicking "OK".