Operating Principle
Access via the HTTPS Protocol
The web interfacee allows a safe configuration of the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 using the
HTTPS protocol. The HTTPS protocol allows the authentication of the servers (i.e.
the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0) as well as encrypting the data transmission.
If the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 is accessed via the HTTP S protocol fort he first time, the
browser indicates that the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 uses an invalid security certificate.
The certificate is not trusted, because the certificate of the Certification Authority
(CA certificate) is unknown.
You can ignore this warning and add an exception fort his server or establish the
safe connection to this server nevertheless (depending on browser and operating
We recommend, downloading the CA certificate CA_MoRoS.crt from the certificate
page (http://www.insys-tec.de/en/certificate/) and import it into your browser, to
trust INSYS MICROELECTRONICS as Certification Authority. Proceed for this, as de-
scribed in the documentation of your browser.
If INSYS MICROELECTRONICS is registered as Certification Authority with your
browser and you access the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 again via the HTTPS protocol, the
browser indicates again that the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 uses an invalid security cer-
tificate. The certificate is not trusted, because the Common Name of the certificate
differs from your input in the address bar of your browsers. The browser indicates
that a different device is detected under this URL. The Common Name of the certifi-
cate consists of the MAC address of the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0, while the colons are
replaced with underscores.
You can ignore this warning and add an exception fort his server or establish the
safe connection to this server nevertheless (depending on browser and operating
In order to eliminate this browser warning as well, you have to enter the Common
Name of the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 to be accessed into the address bar of your
browser. In order to route the URL to the correct device, the Common Name must
be assigned to the IP address of the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0. You can find out the
Common Name by downloading the certificate from the MoRoS LAN PRO 2.0 and
viewing it. This process depends on your browser. The process for configuring the
assignment depends on your operating system:
Editing /etc/hosts (Linux/Unix)
Editing C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows XP)
Configuring your own DNS server
Refer to the documentation of your operating systems for more information about