Insportline IN 2440 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 62










Your treadmill’s running belt has been properly adjusted at the factory. However, during shipping and handling or by use on 

an uneven surface, the belt may move off center and require a few simple adjustments.   



CENTERING THE BELT: If the running belt is 
off center to the LEFT: 


5.  If the belt is slightly off-center, first runs the treadmill without 

anyone on it at 6~8 kph (4~5 mph) for at least 5~10 minutes to 

see whether the treadmill could automatically center the running 

belt. If not, move to step 2. to start centering the belt.   

6.  Stand behind the treadmill, with the treadmill running at 6kph 

(4mph) observe the running belt. If the belt tracks off center to 



, please take a look at the following process to center the 


CAUTION: Be very careful to keep your fingers and any 

object clear of the belt and rollers


7.  Use the Allen Wrench – 

a.  To turn the 


 rear roller adjustment bolt 1/4 turn in 


 direction, which moves the running belt to the 


b.  Or turn the 


 rear roller adjustment bolt 1/4 turn in 


 direction, which moves the running belt 

to the right.   

Caution: Do not turn the adjustment bolt more than 1/4 

turn at a time. Overtightening the belt can damage the 


8.  Repeat the above procedure until the walking belt is centered. It 

may be necessary to test walking belt tension once you have 

completed the above procedure if the belt feels like it’s slipping 

while walking. Refer to below to the “

Walking Belt Slipping


instructions on Page 


Adjustment Bolt Location 

Содержание IN 2440

Страница 1: ...zp sobit v n zran n K v n mu zran n m e take doj t pokud nejsou dord ov ny v echny pokyny B hem pou v n tohoto za zen dr te z dosahu d ti a dom c mazl ky P ed ka d m cvi en m se p esv d te e jsou v ec...

Страница 2: ...dn cvi ebn boraobuv vyvarujte sevoln mu oble en Nikdy necvi te naboso nebov pono k ch v dy pou vejte spr vnou obuv kter je ur en pro b h ch zi nebo ter n 14 Bu te opatrn p i nastupov n nebvypnut b eck...

Страница 3: ...a p esv d te se e dn z nich nechyb a jsou v dobr m stavu Nevyhazujte obaly dokud mont nedokon te K mont i m te k dispozici sti p stroje i n ad Lev horn svisl pil Prav horn svisl pil Dr adlo Horn deko...

Страница 4: ...roubk krom t ch s plochou hlavi kou je m ena od konce roubu pod hlavi kou ke konci roubu rouby s plochou hlavi kou jsou m eny od vrcholu hlavi ky ke konci roubu Pozn mka Prohl dn te a projd te si sezn...

Страница 5: ...n ru n ivot omezovat as kter bychom mohli v novat cvi en Toto za zen v m poskytuje jednoduch a pohodln zp sob jak zah jit tok k vytvarov n va eho t la a dosa en astn j ho a zdrav j ho ivotn ho stylu N...

Страница 6: ...POZN MKA Pro snadnou n sleduj c mont nezaji ujte pevn horn z mkov podlo ky rouby ani nylonov podlo ky dokud neprovedete bod d kroku 2 na n sleduj c stran c Jemn vyve te zadn spojovac dr t 119 a zadn...

Страница 7: ...2 ks roub M10x20mm 102 a 2 ks nylonov ch matic M10xp1 5 115 kter spojuj pil s r mem e Stejn kroky zopakujte i na lev stran KROK 3 kryt motoru a mont dr t a P ipojte prav bo n kryt motoru 36 k r mu 2 a...

Страница 8: ...l ili e Spojte st edn spojovac drat motoru 121 s horn m spojovac m dr tem motoru 120 Dejte pozor abyste je neskl ili f Spojte st edn spojovac drat 118 s horn m spojovac m dr tem 117 Dejte pozor abyste...

Страница 9: ...m h a pozorujte b eck p s Pokud se p s posunuje ze st edu sm rem doleva postupujte podle n sleduj c ho n vodu abyste p s vycentrovali UPOZORN N P i manipulaci bu te opatrn aby se k p su i k v le k m n...

Страница 10: b c p s posune do leva Upozorn n Regula n roub neot ejte v ce ne o oto ky najednou P eta en p su m e trena r po kodit 4 Opakujte cel postup uveden v e dokud nebude p s vycentrovan M e b t nezbytn j...

Страница 11: ...jednotku pou vat p esv te se e je v rovin b Um st te vodov hu A na b c p s abyste zjistili jestli je trena r v rovnov ze Pokud trena r pot ebuje vyrovnat pokra ujte krokem 2 c 2 ks vodov hy 146 jsou u...

Страница 12: ...cvi ebn ho programu sklon se automaticky vr t k 0 INSTRUKCE K I T N Abyste p ede li razu elektrick m proudem p esv te se p ed t n m nebo dr bou e je energie vypnuta a e je trena r vypojen ze z suvky S...

Страница 13: ...a te trysku spreje B do hlavice lubrika n n dobky A e Jemn nadzvedn te bok b c ho p su 12 trysku spreje um st te mezi b c p s a b c palubu f St kejte mazadlo na b c palubu sm rem zep edu dozadu g Stej...

Страница 14: ...elektrick s ti b Zapn te hlavn vyp na kter se nach z na p edn stran trana ru Vlo te bezpe nostn kl abyste aktivovali d c panel c Nakro en Funkce automatick ho probuzen d c panel se automaticky rozsv t...

Страница 15: ...e cvi en ukon ili c Pokud tla tko STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET stla te t ikr t vr t te se do stavu ZAPNUT d Pokud budete pokra ovat stisknut m STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET v echna data se vr t k 0 a d c jedno...

Страница 16: spr vn pocit d m rychleji na b eck m p su b te t m pevn j by m l b t Tla tko AUTO v m p ed cvi en m pom e naj t spr vnou tvrdost p su podle va v hy Kdy se rychlost zv je doporu eno postupn zvy ovat...

Страница 17: ...boSPEED abyste sn ili nebo zv ili ryhlost z 0 8 k 25 km h nebo 0 5 to 15 mil h po t no po 0 1 km h V K Rozsah zobrazen 10 99 let po t no po jednom roce POZN MKA Ikdy d c panel akceptuje rozsah v kov h...

Страница 18: ...1 MET 3 5ml kg min t lo spot ebuje 3 5 mimilitru kysl ku za minutu na ka d kilogram t lesn v hy je to energie kysl k u it t lem p i odpo inku kdy si nap klad v tichosti v sed tete knihu m intenzivn j...

Страница 19: ...c jednotce Po n kolika sekund ch se pot d c jednotka rozsv t s kr tk m zvukov m doprovodem a je p ipravena k pou it f Pokud d c jednotka z stane po v ce ne 5 minut v m du STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET vr...

Страница 20: ...a tko START Toto tla tko zm kn te pokud chcete okam it zah jit cvi en ani byste nastavovali hodnotu asu a v hy Tla tko ENTER Toto tla tko zm kn te abyste nastavili pozadovan hodnoty asu a v hy Tla tko...

Страница 21: ...e ujistili e m te vybr no l Tla tko START Zm kn te tla tko START k zah jen cvi en m V hlavn m LED okn se objev zpr va 3 2 1 GO ozna uj c e cvi en je zah jeno Po dlouh m zap pnut se na hlavn m LED okn...

Страница 22: ...ce nebo ob ruce na pulsn ch senzorech dr adel V puls se za p r sekund na displeji zobraz Pokud na sob nem te kompatibiln sn ma srde n frekvence ruce spr vn um st n nebo je sn ma p r sekund bez podn tu...

Страница 23: ...Abyste program dokon ili stiskn te znovu tla tko START v echna zobrazen data budou pokra ovat SKLON se automaticky vr t do pozice kter byla u ivatelem nastavena V m du STOP si u ivatel m e vybrat z os...

Страница 24: ...t Tla tko START zm kn te toto tla tko k okam it mu zapo et cvi en bez nastavov n hodnot ASU HMOTNOSTI a RYCHLOSTI Tla tko ENTER vyberte toto tla tko abyste nastavili po adovan hodnoty ASU V HY A RYCHL...

Страница 25: ...i hodnotu HMOTNOSTI l Pot se rozsv t LED SPEED RYCHLOST m Pou ijte tla tko INCLINE nebo INCLINE SPEED nebo SPEED abyste vybrali po adovou RYCHLOST 0 8 a 25 km h 0 5 a 15 mil h po t no po 0 1 km m nebo...

Страница 26: ...oduktor a zvuk Abyste si u ili cvi en s hudbou jednodu e p ipojte jak koli MP3 CD p ehr va do zvukov ho v stupu LINE IN na d c jednotce Stla te tla tko VOL nebo abyste nastavili spr vnou hladinu zvuku...

Страница 27: ...echna data na displeji zamrznou POZN MKA d c jednotka se vr t do stavu ZAPNUT pokud se po 5ti minut ch nach z stale v m du STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET Pokud jste nastavili procento SKLONU SKLON se automa...

Страница 28: te tla tko k zah jen cv en bez nastavov n hodnot HMOTNOSTI Tla tko ENTER stla te toto tla tko abyste nastavili po adovanou hodnotu HMOTNOSTI Tla tko STOP toto tla tko zm kn te pokud s chcete vr ti...

Страница 29: ...eby je mo n tuhost p su ru n nastavit stla en m tla tka HARD tvrd nebo SOFT m kk POZN MKA Je doporu eno nastavovat tuhost pol t e postupn abyste si na li takovou kter v m p i cvi en bude nejv ce vyho...

Страница 30: ...tko SPEED nebo SPEED abyste sn ili nebo zv ili rychlost od 0 8 k 25 km h 0 5 k 15 m l m h po t no po 0 1km h nebo m h a Pokud chcete cvi ebn program p eru it stiskn te STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET V echn...

Страница 31: ...TART vyberte toto tla tko aby jste okam it zapo ali cvi en bez nastavov n hodnot ASU RYCHLOSTI a HMOTNOSTI Tla tko ENTER vyberte toto tla tko abyste nastavili po adovan hodnoty ASU RYCHLOSTI a HMOTNOS...

Страница 32: ...HMOTNOSTI l LED SPEED se rozsv t m Pou ijte tla tko INCLINE nebo INCLINE SPEED neboSPEED abyste vybrali po adovanou hodnotu RYCHLOSTI 0 8 a 25 km h 0 5 a 15 mil h po t no po 0 1 km h m h nebo POZN MKA...

Страница 33: ...abyste si na li takovou kter v m p i cvi en bude nejv ce vyhovovat 3 Pozn mky k ji prob haj c mu cvi en B hem cvi en m ete stisknout tla tko ENTER abyste p ezkoumali RYCHLOST SKLON profil 400M 0 25MIL...

Страница 34: ...te tla tko SPEED nebo SPEED abyste sn ili nebo zv ili rychlost od 0 8 k 25 km h 0 5 k 15 m l m h po t no po 0 1km h nebo m h a Pokud chcete cvi ebn program p eru it stiskn te STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET...

Страница 35: ...oto tla tko abyste ihned zapo ali cvi en bez nastavov n hodnot ASU V KU a NORMY PULSU Tla tko ENTER stiskn te toto tla tko abyste nastavili po adovanou hodnotu ASU V KU A NORMY PULSU Tla tko STOP stis...

Страница 36: ...otvrdili v V K l LED PULSE se pot rozsv t m Pou ijte tla tko INCLINE nebo INCLINE SPEED nebo SPEED abyste vybrali po adovanou C LOVOU TEPOVOU FREKVENCI 60 a 220 der za minutu po t no po 1 deru nebo n...

Страница 37: ...kvenci v mez ch C LOV TEPOV FREKVENCE Pokud je v aktu ln puls hodnota C LOV TEPOV FREKVENCE 15 zv d c jednotka SKLON automaticky o 1 ka d ch 15 sekund dokud nedos hne maxim ln ho procenta SKLONU Pokud...

Страница 38: li takovou kter v m p i cvi en bude nejv ce vyhovovat 4 Pozn mky k ji prob haj c mu cvi en B hem cvi en m ete stisknout tla tko ENTER abyste p ezkoumali RYCHLOST SKLON profil 400M 0 25MIL v hlavn...

Страница 39: ...astavit RYCHLOST podle toho jak m te cvi ebn c le Stiskn te SPEED nebo SPEED abyste sn ili nebo zv ili rychlost z 0 8 k 25 km h 0 5 a 15 m h po t no po 0 1 km h m h a Pokud chcete cvi ebn program p er...

Страница 40: ...tla tka START ENTER a STOP za nou blikat Tla tko START stiskn te toto tla tko abyste okam it zapo ali cvi en bez nastaven hodnoty ASU HMOTNOSTI RYCHLOSTI nebo SKLONU v ka d m asov m intervalu Tla tko...

Страница 41: ...yste potvrdili hodnotu ASU i LED WEIGHT se pot rozsv t j Stiskn te tla tko INCLINE nebo INCLINE SPEED nebo SPEED abyste zvolili po adovanou hodnotu HMOTNOSTI 30 a 180kg 40 a 400liber po t no po 1kg lb...

Страница 42: ...h n Stiskn te INCLINE nebo INCLINE LED SKLONU prvn ho asov ho intervalu se rozsv t Vyberte po adovan procento SKLONU 0 a 15 1 po t no po 1 o Tla tko ENTER stla te tla tko ENTER abyste potvrdili RYCHLO...

Страница 43: ...avit stla en m tla tka HARD tvrd nebo SOFT m kk POZN MKA Je doporu eno nastavovat tuhost pol t e postupn abyste si na li takovou kter v m p i cvi en bude nejv ce vyhovovat 3 Pozn mky k ji prob haj c m...

Страница 44: ...Stiskn te SPEED nebo SPEED abyste sn ili nebo zv ili rychlost z 0 8 k 25 km h 0 5 a 15 m h po t no po 0 1 km h m h a Pokud chcete cvi ebn program p eru it stiskn te STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET V echna d...

Страница 45: va tepov frekvence Abyste zachovali efektivn aerobn tr nink va e tepov frekvence by se m la udr ovat kolem 70 va maxim ln tepov frekvence va e c lov tepov z na Va i tepovou z nu najdete v tabulce u...

Страница 46: ...pozici h Protahov n na podlaze Sedn te si na podlahu a rozkro te nohy jak jen je to mo n P it hn te horn st t la k prav mu kolenu za pomoc pa kter t hnou hrudn k ke stehnu Vydr te v t to pozici po 10...

Страница 47: ...47 N KRES ST V ROBKU A...

Страница 48: ...48 N KRES ST V ROBKU B...

Страница 49: ...49 N KRES ST V ROBKU C...

Страница 50: ...Vyp na 1 31 Izol tor 2 32 Uz v r 24mm 2 33 Transportn kole ko 4 34 Hranat kol k 38x50mm 2 N ZEV POLO KY Po 35 Kryt lev strany motoru 1 36 Kryt prav strany motoru 1 37 Lev horn obj mka 1 38 Prav horn...

Страница 51: ...6 40mm 4 99 roub M6 50mm 8 N ZEV POLO KY Po 100 roub M8 20mm 6 101 roub M8 40mm 2 102 roub M10 20mm 8 103 roub M10 45mm 1 104 roub M10 60mm 1 105 roub M10 65mm 2 106 roub M10 80mm 4 107 roub M8 50mm 1...

Страница 52: ...Deska pravy tvrdosti pol t e 1 138 Deska pravy zdvihu 1 139 Deska pravy rychlosti 1 140 Bezdr tov sn ma pulsu 1 141 Kl ov deska zdvihu 1 142 Kl cov deska rychlosti 1 143 Induktor 1 144 Filtr 1 145 Na...

Страница 53: ...n razy mysln pozm n n m designem tvarem nebo rozm ry Upozorn n Cvi en doprov zen zvukov mi efekty a ob asn m vrz n m nen z vada br n c dn mu u v n stroje a tud nem e b t p edm tem reklamace Tento jev...

Страница 54: ...nt is not assembled and used correctly Serious bodily injury can also occur if all instructions are not followed Keep children and pets away from equipment when in use Always make sure all bolts and n...

Страница 55: ...lothing Neverexercise inbare feet orsocks always wear correct footwear suchas running walking orcross training shoes 36 Use care when getting onoroff the treadmill Whensteppingon the running belt alwa...

Страница 56: ...ispose of the packing material until the assembly process is completed Assembly tools and hardware kit have included for you to use when assembling the product Left Upright Post Assembly Right Upright...

Страница 57: ...s except those with flat heads is measured from below the head to the end of the bolt or screw Flat head bolts and screws are measured from the top of the head to the end of the bolt or screw Note Ple...

Страница 58: ...lth Too often our busy lifestyles limit our time and opportunity to exercise The equipment provides a convenient and simple method to begin your assault on getting your body in shape and achieving a h...

Страница 59: ...k washers bolts and nylon nuts until Step d of STEP 2 on the next page i Gently run the Rear Connection Wire 119 and the Rear Motor Connection Wire 122 through the Right Upright Post Assembly 8 CAUTIO...

Страница 60: ...2pcs Nylon Nuts M10xp1 5 115 that connecting to Upright Post Assembly and Main Frame e Repeat the above same procedures on the left side STEP 3 Motor Cover Wires Assembly g Attach the Right Side Motor...

Страница 61: ...e care not to pinch the wires n Connect the Middle Motor Connection Wire 121 to the Upper Motor Connection Wire 120 Be care not to pinch the wires o Connect the Middle Connection Wire 118 to the Upper...

Страница 62: ...t tracks off center to the left please take a look at the following process to center the belt CAUTION Be very careful to keep your fingers and any object clear of the belt and rollers 7 Use the Allen...

Страница 63: ...urn at a time Overtightening the belt can damage the treadmill 8 Repeat the above procedure until the walking belt is centered It may be necessary to test walking belt tension once you have completed...

Страница 64: ...efore using the unit make sure it s level i Place a Bubble Level A on the running belt to see if the treadmill is level If the treadmill needs leveling continue to step 2 j 2 pcs Levelers 146 are loca...

Страница 65: ...ram finish the INCLINE will automatically return to 0 CLEANING INSTRUCTIONS To prevent electrical shock make sure that power is shut off and the treadmill is unplugged from the electrical outlet befor...

Страница 66: ...f the lubricant can A o While lifting the side of the running belt 12 gently position the spray nozzle between the running belt and the running deck from the front of the treadmill p Spray the lubrica...

Страница 67: ...wer cord into an electrical outlet e Turn on the Main Power Switch located at the front of the treadmill f Inset the safety key to light up the console g StepOn Key Auto WakeUP feature Console automat...

Страница 68: ...RESET three times to return to the POWER ON status h Continue pressing STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET all the date will return to 0 and the console will return to POWER ON status Press ENTER to confirm the...

Страница 69: ...admill the firmer the cushion level should be Before exercise the AUTO button would help finding the proper cushion level due to each user s weight If the speed increase more quicker it s recommended...

Страница 70: ...EED Press SPEED or SPEED to increase or decrease the speed from 0 8 to 25 kph 0 5 to 15 mph 0 1 kph mph INCREMENT AGE Display range 10 99 years old 1 year old increment NOTE Although the console allow...

Страница 71: of oxygen a minute for each kilogram of body weight is the energy oxygen used by the body at rest while sitting quietly or reading a book for example The harder your body works during the activity...

Страница 72: ...sound indicating the console will be ready for use l If the console stays on the STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET mode for more than 5 minutes the console will automatically return to POWER ON status 2 Boot S...

Страница 73: ...t exercise immediately without setting the value of TIME and WEIGHT ENTER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of TIME and WEIGHT STOP button Choose to press the button to ret...

Страница 74: ...ected y START button Press the START button to start exercise z The scrolling message 3 2 1 GO then display in the main LED window indicating the exercise is about to begin After the long beep sound t...

Страница 75: on the Handlebar Your pulse will be displayed approximately few seconds If you do not ware a compatible heart rate chest strap or place your hands correctly and a few seconds pass without a pulse i...

Страница 76: ...l automatically return to 0 To resume the program press START again to let all the date displays continue the INCLINE will automatically move to the position the user has just set up before On the STO...

Страница 77: ...exercise immediately without setting the value of TIME and WEIGHT and SPEED ENTER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of TIME WEIGHT and SPEED STOP button Choose to press the...

Страница 78: ...of WEIGHT bb The SPEED LED will then light up cc Use INCLINE or INCLINE SPEED or SPEED button to select the desired value of SPEED 0 8 TO 25 KPH 0 5 TO 15 MPH 0 1 KPH MPH INCREMENT or NOTE for SPEED...

Страница 79: ...o gradually adjust cushion level one at a time in order to give yourself a proper workout feelings If you haven t adjusted the fan settings This treadmill has 3 level fan settings from breeze to stron...

Страница 80: ...rkout goal Press SPEED or SPEED to increase or decrease the speed from 0 8 to 25 kph 0 5 to 15 mph 0 1 kph mph INCREMENT a Press STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET to stop and pause all functions during your ex...

Страница 81: ...ise immediately without setting the value of WEIGHT ENTER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of WEIGHT STOP button Choose to press the button to return to the POWER ON statu...

Страница 82: ...e AUTO button the console would auto adjust the proper cushion level from hard to soft the auto adjustment time takes about 15 seconds to complete For different user needs the cushion level is also al...

Страница 83: ...ut goal Press SPEED or SPEED to increase or decrease the speed from 0 8 to 25 kph 0 5 to 15 mph 0 1 kph mph INCREMENT a Press STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET to stop and pause all functions during your exerc...

Страница 84: immediately without setting the value of TIME and WEIGHT and SPEED ENTER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of TIME WEIGHT and SPEED STOP button Choose to press the butto...

Страница 85: ...ue of WEIGHT bb The SPEED LED will then light up cc Use INCLINE or INCLINE SPEED or SPEED button to select the desired value of SPEED 0 8 TO 25 KPH 0 5 TO 15 MPH 0 1 KPH MPH INCREMENT or NOTE for SPEE...

Страница 86: ...e ENTER button to review your workout s SPEED INCLIINE SCAN 400METER 0 25MILE profile If you haven t adjusted the fan settings This treadmill has 3 level fan settings from breeze to strong wind Throug...

Страница 87: ...en freeze NOTE The console will return to POWER ON status after 5 minutes if the console is still on the STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET mode If you have set up the percentage of INCLINE the INCLINE will aut...

Страница 88: without setting the value of TIME and AGE and TARGET PULSE ENTER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of TIME and AGE and TARGET PULSE STOP button Choose to press the butto...

Страница 89: ...firm your AGE bb The PULSE LED will then light up cc Use INCLINE or INCLINE SPEED or SPEED button to select the desired value of TARGET PULSE 60 TO 220 BPM BEATS PER MINUTE 1 BPM INCREMENT or dd ENTER...

Страница 90: ...our TARGET HEART RATE ZONE If you current pulse the value of the TARGET HEART RATE 15 the console would increase 1 INCLINE automatically every 15 seconds until reaching the max percentage of INCLINE I...

Страница 91: ...ENTER button to review your workout s SPEED INCLIINE SCAN H R C profile If you haven t adjusted the fan settings This treadmill has 3 level fan settings from breeze to strong wind Through different us...

Страница 92: ...freeze NOTE The console will return to POWER ON status after 5 minutes if the console is still on the STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET mode If you have set up the percentage of INCLINE the INCLINE will autom...

Страница 93: ...TER button Choose to press the button to set up the desired value of TIME WEIGHT and SPEED or INCLINE at each time interval STOP button Choose to press the button to return to the POWER ON status x EN...

Страница 94: ...ER button Press the ENTER button to confirm the value of WEIGHT ee The SPEED s first time interval LED will then light up ff Use SPEED or SPEED button to select the desired value of SPEED 0 8 TO 25 KP...

Страница 95: user needs the cushion level is also allowed to manually adjust by pressing HARD or SOFT button NOTE It s recommended to gradually adjust cushion level one at a time in order to give yourself a p...

Страница 96: ...out goal Press SPEED or SPEED to increase or decrease the speed from 0 8 to 25 kph 0 5 to 15 mph 0 1 kph mph INCREMENT e Press STOP PAUSE HOLD TO RESET to stop and pause all functions during your exer...

Страница 97: ...imum heart rate as you exercise This is known as your target zone You can find your target zone in the table below Target zones are listed for both unconditioned and conditioned persons according to a...

Страница 98: ...the legs as wide as possible Stretch the upper body toward the knee on the right leg by using your arms to pull your chest to your thighs Hold this stretch 10 to 30 seconds DO NOT BOUNCE Do this stret...

Страница 99: ...99 PRODUCT PARTS DRAWING A...

Страница 100: ...100 PRODUCT PARTS DRAWING B...

Страница 101: ...101 PRODUCT PARTS DRAWING C...

Страница 102: ...opper 24mm 2 33 Transportation Wheel 4 34 Square Plug 38x50mm 2 NO Item Name Q ty 35 Left Side Motor Cover 1 36 Right Side Motor Cover 1 37 Left Upright Sleeve 1 38 Right Upright Sleeve 1 39 Left Upri...

Страница 103: ...40mm 4 99 Bolt M6 50mm 8 NO Item Name Q ty 100 Bolt M8 20mm 6 101 Bolt M8 40mm 2 102 Bolt M10 20mm 8 103 Bolt M10 45mm 1 104 Bolt M10 60mm 1 105 Bolt M10 65mm 2 106 Bolt M10 80mm 4 107 Bolt M8 50mm 14...

Страница 104: ...1 137 Cushion Adjustment Board 1 138 Elevation Adjustment Board 1 139 Speed Adjustment Board 1 140 Wireless Pulse Sensor 1 141 Elevation Key Board 1 142 Speed Key Board 1 143 Inductor 1 144 Filter 1 1...
