6 Troubleshooting
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Fault name
Pressure sensor
Pressure sensor is faulty
Please refer to following diagram
Motor rotor gets locked or pump
gets stuck
1�check if rotor can be turned by hand
2�check if F2-10 sets properly
3�check if auto tuning can be conducted
Pressure sensor calibration
1�check if pressure feedback is around zero
2�check if pressure sensor is well connected
3�check if F4-28 to 31 are set properly
Pressure sensor output is
beyond setting range
Pressure sensor output is beyond setting range [A3-
55, A3-56], please check the sensor
Slave fault
Slave fault
Refer to <multi pumps solution> in User manual
address conflict
Communication address conflict
Refer to <multi pumps solution> in User manual
Speed sensor fault
Speed sensor disconnected
Please refer to following diagram
Speed sensor interfered
Multi-master fault
Multi masters
Refer to <multi pumps solution> in User manual
User parameter
restoring fault
Restore without saving user
Please refer to following diagram
Back EMF fault
during auto tuning
From dynamic tuning, back
EMF is smaller than lower limit
Please refer to following diagram
Braking IGBT works
Braking IGBT works overtime
Please refer to following diagram
Braking resistor disconnected
Check if braking resistor is well connected, and set
F8-26 to start self check
Braking IGBT
Braking IGBT short-circuit
Disconnect power supply and seek for maintenance
Braking IGBT gets overloaded
1� check if braking resistor is shirt-circuit, and if the
resistance is proper ;
2. Check if DC BUS voltage is normal;
3� Disconnect power supply and seek for
Reverse running
time out
Reverse running time reaches
Please refer to following diagram
Braking resistor fault
Braking resistor disconnected
1� Check wirings
2� If braking resistor is unnecessary, then set F8-26
= 0
Braking resistor resistance
smaller than minimum
1�replace with a proper resistor
initialization fault
Parameter initialization fault
Disconnect power supply and seek for maintenance