Introduction to networking
Fire detection and extinguishant system
Chapter 2
Introduction to networking
Praesidia fire-detection control panels are capable of operating in an interconnected network.
This document describes the interconnection modes, the available functions and also how to start a network of Praesidia
control panels. For this purpose the term “network node” will be used in reference to each of the control panels
connected in the network.
The connection of several control panels in a network allows:
• the exchange of information among the various control panels; viewing, from any node, the events that have
occurred on other nodes in the network, or sub-networks defined during system configuration;
• the management of functions among control panels; from any node, credentials permitting, you can operate on each
of the control panels in the network (in order to enable, disable, interact with each and every element);
• the sharing of activation groups; it is possible to share the output groups within the network in order to associate
activations with conditions detected on various nodes;
• the supervision of the entire network; by connecting to a single node it is possible to supervise the entire network by
means of the appropriate supervision software (e.g. supervisory software with graphic maps);
• the configuration of the entire network; by connecting to a single node it is possible to configure the entire network
via the appropriate configuration software;
• the maintenance and diagnostics of the entire network; by connecting to a single node it is possible to use the
diagnostic and maintenance functions provided by the configuration software.
Network connection mode
The network connection of Praesidia control panels can be achieved in two ways:
Connection via a network
The network is based on an RS485 physical layer (convertible in optical
fiber by means of appropriate converters) structured in a ring. This structure
allows you to interconnect up to 48 control panels.
A group of control panels interconnected through a network is
identified as a “cluster”.
Connection based on TCP/IP
Use of an Ethernet connection, based on TCP/IP
protocol, as the cluster-interconnect allows you to build
up to 20 clusters.
A cluster can be made up of a single control panel or an
FPMCPU module configured as a repeater panel.