If the fan belt is too tight, the fan bearings and the belt are subject to excessive strain
which can shorten the life of these two components. If however the belt is too loose, it will
flap against the pulleys leading to unnecessary wear of the belt. It can also slip leading to
an overheated engine.
Keep oil and grease away from the belt.
Checking the Preheating Glow Plugs
This operation requires special knowledge and tools, please consult your local Ingersoll-Rand Dealer.
Cleaning the Air Filter
IM PO R TA N T: A LW A YS R EPLA C E prim ary air cleaner elem ent w hen air restriction indicator
show s a vacuum of 625 m m (25 in.) H
O , is torn, or visibly dirty.
NOTE: Refer to m anufactu rers’ instructions for servicing air cleaners not supplied by Ingersoll-Rand. If
engine is NOT equipped with an air restriction indicator, replace air filter elem ent every 500 hours of
operation or every 12 m onths, whichever occurs first.
1. Unlatch and rem ove dust cup/cover (A) of air
2. M ove end of filter (B) back and forth gently to break
3. Pull filter (B) off outlet tube and out of housing.
4. Thoroughly clean all dirt from inside housing and
from outlet bore.
IM PO R TA N T: R em ov e secondary (safety) elem ent
(C ) O N LY for replacem ent. D O N O T
attem pt to clean, w ash, or reuse
secondary elem ent. R eplacem ent of
secondary elem ent is usually
necessary O N LY w hen prim ary
elem ent has a hole in it.
5. To replace secondary elem ent (C), pull filter
elem ent out gently. Im m ediately replace secondary
elem ent with new elem ent to prevent dust from
entering air intake system .
6. Install new prim ary filter elem ent. Apply pressure by
hand at outer rim of filter.
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