Using a Booster Battery or
A 12-volt booster battery can be connected in parallel
with battery (ies) on the unit to aid in cold weather
starting. ALW AYS use heavy-duty jum per cables.
C A U TIO N : G as given off by battery is
explosive. K eep sparks and flam es aw ay from
battery. B efore connecting or disconnecting a
battery charger, turn charger off. M ake last
connection and first disconnection at a point
aw ay from battery. A lw ays connect N EG A TIVE
(–) cable last and disconnect this cable first.
W A R N IN G :
Battery posts, term inals, and related accessori es contain lead and lead com pounds,
chem icals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm .
W ash hands after
IM PO R TA N T: B e sure polarity is correct before
m aking connections. R eversed polarity
w ill dam age electrical system . A lw ays
connect positive -
negative to ground. A lw ays use 12-volt
booster battery for 12-volt electrical
system s and 24-volt booster battery
(ies) for 24-volt electrical system s.
1. Connect booster battery or batteries to produce the
required system voltage for your engine application.
NOTE: To avoid sparks, DO NOT allow the free ends
of jum per cables to touch the engine.
2. Connect one end of jum per cable to the POSITIVE
(+) post of the booster battery.
3. Connect the other end of the jum per cable to the
POSITIVE (+) post of battery connected to starter.
4. Connect one end of the other jum per cable to the
NEGATIVE (–) post of the booster battery.
ALW AYS com plete the hookup by m aking the last
of the NEGATIVE (–) cable to a good ground on the engine
fram e and away from the battery (ies).
Start the engine. Disconnect jum per cables im m ediately
after engine starts. Disconnect NEGATIVE (–) cable first.
Exploding Battery
12 V System
24 V System
A – 12-Volt Machine Battery (ies)
B – 12-Volt Booster Battery (ies)
C – Booster Cable
D – Cable to Starting Motor
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