Firmware User Manual (AE-step)
Revision 1.02
TLE984x Firmware User Manual
BSL commands - Protocol (Version 2.0)
This section describes the boot strap loader messages that are used by the LIN and FastLIN protocols. The
physical layer encapsulation of these messages is described in
BSL via Fast LIN
All commands support acknowledge response message, which contain an error code with the result of the
executed command. Some messages return a response message with the result of the executed command
and some messages also return requested data. For messages that return data, the data should be treated as
a response with no errors and the acknowledge response message will in this case not be sent. The messages
will either return an error code of a detected error or return the requested data. Data response messages are
described together with the command messages. The response and error code messages are described in
“Acknowledge Response Message (81H)” on Page 69
Some commands do not intend to send any response message. For instance, the code execution command
messages directly jump to the requested code location. These messages will only send a response message if
the requested command could not be executed.
Each incoming message is verified. Inconsistent frames or messages (e.g. invalid checksum or length) are
rejected. Unknown messages and message types are also rejected. Discarding an invalid message is done
without any acknowledgement or notification.
Whether the host waiting time before response is sent back or whether a response can be asked for is defined
for each of the messages if it deviates from the definition given in
The following BSL commands are supported:
Command 02H – RAM: Write Data/Program
Command 05H – NVM: Write Data/Program
Command 89H – NVM: Protection Set / Clear
Command 0DH – NVM: 100TP Write
Command 93H – FastLIN: Set Session Baudrate
Dummy Bytes
Depending on the BSL frame data fill level, some frame data bytes are not used. Those bytes are filled with
dummy bytes, which are set to zero. The BootROM ignores dummy bytes, independent of their values.