Transportation, Installation, Commissioning
LL1602.10043 - 04.08.2014
Instructions for shipment, installation, commissioning
Safety Instructions
Instructions for shipment, installation, commissioning
When the working area door is open, the interlocking switch
remains open after disconnecting the mains supply.
Shipping brackets are identified by their red color.
Improper shipment, installation or commissioning often leads to accidents, damage
or malfunction of the machine which
will accept no liability for and which
will not be covered by the warranty.
Before the delivery, you should carefully plan the shipment to the installation site,
the unloading, the installation and the commissioning of the machine. Please pay
attention to the following instructions in this document.
For separate units e.g. chip conveyor, bar feeder, bar loading magazine etc., please
see the corresponding shipping instructions.
General sources of danger during in-house transportation
Machines may be shipped only by authorized and qualified personnel.
Act consciously during shipping. Please omit hazardous and risky actions. Consider
the consequences before acting.
Slopes and pitches can be particularly dangerous (e.g. ramps etc.). If passage is
unavoidable extra precautions must be taken.
Make sure that the load will not slide off and that vehicle's traction and brake force
are sufficient. Provide the load with additional securing devices, if necessary.